Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Fredrick Hirschman said...
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Unknown said...

I believe this poster could have gone much further. there seems to be almost no work to it.. almost like the artist took the picture off the internet, put a message on it, and was finished. One huge suggestion I have is possibly putting a pregnant teens stomach on the poster. It would have been much stronger with this. I needed to think for a second about what this was trying to tell me.

Unknown said...

I think this poster has a lot of meaning and is very well portrayed. It shows me a lot of meaning and really catches my eye. It was a good idea and it is something i believe in completely. The only thing i was not sure about was how fit the person was. I think that they should have used a pregnant woman. That way, it could have made sense. If you see a girl that is skinny, it could even portray the wrong meaning of i stay in shape because i want too. It is not necessarily drawn straight to abortion. I do truly like this poster though.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I really liked this poster. I felt that the message of pro choice was portrayed in a clear and clever way by writing on the girl's stomach. Also, I liked the contrast of the black writing against the lighter skin, as well as the contrast between the painted font and the photoshop font. I felt that the black in the text was balanced by the dark background, which also helped make the girl's stomach stand out as the dominant figure. I agree with other comments that a pregnant girl would have made the image stronger, but overall I think the message was portrayed successfully.

NickArmold said...

This is one of my favorite posters. I like the way how you used the girl's body as almost a text box. I think that it really cool, and makes the message more meaningful. I like how it the text flows downwards from left to right. I also like how you included a website for more information, which adds another layer of meaning. The composition in my opinion is really strong. I think this is good enough to be a real add for pro-life. I also like the contrast of the white information at the bottom, and the black background. Overall, it is well balanced and well made.

Unknown said...

dear m-dog, i like your poster a lot since it is of my belly! the message is easy to understand and i think the everything flows together. the words work together and they are placed amazingly. the proportion of the picture taking us the whole background works for the poster. the only thing i would suggest is that you would have the text flow together more. GOOD JOB over all.
by weinkauf

Unknown said...

This poster is one of my favorites because i really like the use of the picture. Also,It is cool to see the writing in the photograph along with photoshop text. They really come together as one to make a great composition. The balance is met because it they utilized white space and all parts of the poster. The my choice on the stomach really stands out and helps me grasp the overall message. I think that it could have been cropped a little better on the arm, but overall great job!

lauren skonieczny