Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alex T- Feed the hungry

Chelsea R- For abortion

Kristen T- Against smoking

Justin C- Equal rights

Tim G- Stop steroid use

Sam H- End racism

Mitch K- Stop deforestation

Kyle W- Divorce hurts

Kelly S- Don't drink and drive

Jessica A- Fight American poverty

Emily f- Support gay marriage

Danielle H- Stop the Darfur Genocide

Colleen Y- Prolife saves lives

Christina P- Don't drink and drive

Cheslea B- Support gay marriage

Ben C- Evolution is true

Alaina H- Greenovate

Aaron J- Smoking affects us all

Victor C- End the Iraq war

Steve G- We can stop pollution

Kaitlin K- Invisible soldier

Shelby M- Drinking abuse

Alex M- World hunger

Roshni K- Stop animal cruelty