Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Support gay marriage


Unknown said...
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lucia said...

I think this is a really good poster, however i think it is a little busy. i really liked the hands and the definition. They really stick out in the poster and they contrast well with the black background. I liked the idea of the word definition however i think the font was a bad choice, i think a serif font rather than a script font would fit the poster better. It was difficult to read and made the poster seem really squished together. i also liked the rainbow because it was very bright against a black background and it was in a interesting twist which made it look more artistic. All in all i thought the poster was very well done!- Lucia Kollat

Unknown said...

i like this poster a lot. the use of the hands showing different types of relationships gets your message across very easily. the balance works with the ends and the text balancing each other. the proportions of the hands is perfect, i think if they were smaller than it would not work. the only thing i would work on is the spelling of legal. that would help get your message across better. overall this poster is very good, you can see your message very easily. and the colors you used works with the topic of gay marriage. SWEET JOB!
by weinkauf

Brynne said...

I thought this poster lacks direction because of so many things going on. Each concept is a good idea, but when all the ideas are meshed together it takes away from each idea and becomes cluttered. The heart hands were a creative way to convey the idea of different types of love but I think it should be more dominant in the poster, not just on top. The definition of love is an interesting tie in to your poster, but the font choice is hard to decipher. The text almost disappears against the black background. A different font choice, size, and color would help make the layout less busy. I also think the rainbow design is too much. The theme has already been addressed and the rainbow interrupts the flow,creating less balance in the poster. Removing the raindbow would help create negative space. With several adjustments this poster could be successful.

Unknown said...

i really like this poster. i think the hands in the form of the hearts with the male and female signs is really creative. it really shows the message that is being displayed. i also like your title love is love... i feel that it shows that love is love with whoever you want to be with. the definition of love is a good idea but i think the use of font could have been different only because its hard to read. i also think the rainbow in the corner is a good idea but it sticks out a lot and i think the hands and the definition and everything else should stick out more because thats what your message is. but overall i really like this poster!! good job!!
by jackie