Monday, December 15, 2008

Support Autism research


Unknown said...

I believe that the poster is overall successful. I think that your dominance point in your poster was good with the autism sign in the middle and how big it is. I also like the slogan "autism speaks we just need to listen". I also like the boy in the center of the poster to. I feel your poster had good balance with color.

Really theres one thing i think is wrong wit this poster and that is the cropping of the boy. But overall its good i feel like it pesuaded me to support autism.

Anonymous said...

too much negative space i think, it doesn't flow well, u read the top then your eyes wander off. the message to support autism is got across well, but the text doesn't fit the theme of the topic. i dont get the puzzle pieces, but the design of the ribbon made up of puzzle pices is unique although it doesnt seem that you made it yourself. the use of the masking tool on the face wasn't well done, and appears to be rushed through. the backround is too dominent.

Unknown said...

To me this poster still needs some work. i dont think that the picture of the kids head took time to crop in there. you have'nt smoothed the edges and it is disproportional. also i dont think that the use of the periods were right and capitalization of Listen should be there. i think you should have still kept it lower case and just bolded it out of set it off set to the other part of the sentence. the spatial organization is working well tho. i like the backround and how it fits the red and yellow ribbon with the big puzzle peice. the compisition is good although the picture doesnt really work yet. keep working because this poster has a lot of potential.

Gajewski said...

I like the main text, it really catches the reader's attention. However, there is too muc h negative space, I think a different picture (with better cropping) would make it a lot better. I like how you used the puzzle peices, which the official symbol of autism. Also, because I have worked a lot with autistic kids I understand what you meant by the "1 in 150", but I don't think that a lot of people would understand fully why you have those numbers there. The poster just needs a little more tweaking but I like it.

Unknown said...

i think this is a mess the head is not croped right and i don't like the ribon of puzzle pieces simply beacuse it dosn't fit with the design at all. also i don't see what a puzzle piece has to do with autism the message is ok but it is too bold.a

Unknown said...

i think that this poster is successful because it gets the message across well. I like the strong use of color and the phrase autism speaks we just need to listen strongly persuades the viewer to support autism research.I do think that the cropping on the boy could be better. also i think that the puzzle peice is effective as the dominating figure. the puzzle peice then allows for the eyes to easily flow from the words at the top to the picture and then to the phrase at the bottom.

rcantelmi said...

i think the idea of this poster is very powerful, however the layout still needs some work. I think the blue background is too overpowering, the words dont stand out as much, its almost as if it washes out the poster. I like the puzzle piece in the background, turning down the opasity was a good idea. I still am a little confused with how the puzzle piece ties into the message of the poster? I think there is a poor use of negative space. As well, the poster does not flow too well, and the proportions of the picture to the words seems a little off balance. The text was a good choice, its a little playful, but i still think it could be tweaked a bit. The size is not proportional in the font. The statistic is bigger than the message of teh poster, that doesnt make too much sense. The biggest problem i see with this poster is the poor cropping of the photo, it seems poorly placed and does not flow with the piece. Almost just stuck there. I think it was a good idea to use a picture, because there is always the emotional draw when you can connect a face with a topic, so that was a good idea. Overall,good job and good ideas, keep up the grand work!!