Monday, December 15, 2008

Stop animal Cruelty


Unknown said...

This poster is very catching to the eye for any viewer becasue of the spatial organization. By the stop being big and bold it diplays very quickly to readers that something must be done. the stop also overlaps with red box creating depth and overlapping in the poster. The proportions are realistic and also help draw the reader in by having boxes overlap. The picture is another effective part becasue it displays the emotions of the animals and makes readers feel bad about abusing thier pets. The overall message comes arcoss very cleanly and people can understand it easily. the composition is different than a lot of the poster that have been posted and it gives it an extra flair that make people stop and look at it.
~elissa c

Unknown said...

Right away from looking at this poster my eye goes to stop and animal cruelty which helps get the feeling for what you are trying to get across by this poster. red was the right color to use for this poster. i do think that the poster feels a little bunched up though. i dont think that the balance of this poster is quite there yet but it is close. however i do like the red box and feel that it does give depth going under the word stop. also i think that the picture is perfect for whta you are trying to get across because the crying dog is upset and sets up your emotions to make you not want to do animal cruelty. overall good job on your poster.

Unknown said...

This poster did a really good job of catching my attention and getting the point across. Because the picture and the "stop annimal crueltty" are the dominant parts of the poster, it really gets the message to the reader at a quick glance. The composistion is well balenced and the words flow around the picture really well. The proportions are well and everything looks like it fits together well. The poster looks finished and there isnt any space where it looks like something else can fit in. Overall i think this poster is very effective!

Unknown said...

The composition of this poster is excellent. It seems to use all of the techniques that were taught in this computer art class. All of the shapes and colors are balanced across the page. Contrast of size, color, direction are used. The spacial organization gives the poster a three dimensional feel without it looking busy. Despite the multiplicity of elements in this poster, the picture of the dog stands out as the dominating object. This poster is successful because the excellent compostion attracts viewers to the message, and the text and pictures contain the right emotional context to convey this message.