Monday, December 15, 2008

Adopt an Animal


JoeTaylor said...

Katie, The picture of the dog is very dominating, because it is so big and grabs the viewers attention. There really is a little bit of rhythm. the fence leads your eyes down to the words. The balance is good, the large image balances the whole image. The proportion is realistic between the size of the picture and the font. Spacial organization is alright the picture is hard to see becuse of the dark colors. The Composition is good the picture is well cropped and the fence looks like it is there. The color use is hard on the eyes because you cant really see the whole picture. oVerall i like the poster and it gets the message across very well.
Joe Taylor

Gajewski said...

i think this poster has a lot of potential, but there are a few things wrong with it. First, the text is really difficult to see because it blends in with the background. though i do like the font choice. i like the picture, it fits well with your theme, however i don't think the blue tint works. the thing that really moves people the most is those big brown eyes dogs have, with the blue tint in the dog's eyes you lose that feeling of the need the rest of the dog's face conveys. Also it looks like the fence in front of the dog were photoshopped in (a peice of cord and part of the fence are connected at the same point)- if that was the point, it was achieved. however, i think you lose the sense of the reality of the situation by being able to tell that the fence was not originally there. Overall, the poster needs a little more manipulation, but it has a lot of potential.

Unknown said...

I think that this poster could have been improved a lot in photoshop. The picture of the dog is very effective and the text does get across a good point but the blue photo and the grey font mix together too much and make it hard to read. The fence in front of the dog's face is very distracting. I think this could have been worked with a little bit more to change the colors of the photo and make it more interesting to pull the viewer in. Overall it was a good idea for a poster but I think it could have been worked with more.