Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bredan C- Divorce


Anonymous said...

The text is very clear & I understand the point/message you're trying to make. I like how the "R" drops into the broken heart. The picture shows good emotion of how divorce hurts kids. Her shoulder isn't working out for me, I think the square makes it seem very undeveloped. I think the quote on the left is smushed and kind of takes away from how effective it could be.

Anonymous said...

This poster is pretty good. The message and text all flow together, and like what dana said, i like how the "R" goes down into the heart. I think that really shows how the little girl feels. Im not sure if the saying "daddy why did u leave?" really works. I think that the rest of the text says it all. Other than that the poster was pretty strong.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is pretty effective. The picture of the little girl was a great choice, although it is a little bit choppy. You could have softened the edges and blended it a little bit better, but other than that it was a good choice. The text at the top is very strong, and like others, i love how the 'R' seperates the broken heart. The 'why did you leave' just seems like a filler for the negative space so you could have probably manipulated it better but overall i think this is a strong, thought out poster. =) good work!

Anonymous said...

i agree with dana. i like the overall idea of your poster, and i think it was a good topic to do a poster on. i like your text use, it gets the idea across. and the overall composition is eye appealing too. i think you could have blended the picture better, and made it look like more of the background instead of a choppy picture in the corner. i like that the girl looks very emotional, but i also dont like her squared off shoulder. i would try to find a better picture next time. i also think that the quote is a little squished and i dont like how there are a lot of dots (....) it takes away from from the quote and when you look at the picture, you wonder why there are so many dots. but i still think you did a good job though.