Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LeConte C- Against AIDS


Anonymous said...

Your composition is very cool. I like the use of the the dark colors and your picture is very awesome. However i have no idea what your talking about through your text and picture. When i read it i just get confused and wonder what it is about. That is what you need to work on with this, getting the real issue across.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the idea was good, but the poster didnt persuade me to do anything. I didnt know what the topic was until i read the title. Once again i like the idea i just think there should have been more that relates to the topic of aids so the point of the poster was easily understood. Even if you would have put the word aids in one of the sentences it would have helped.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments. The picture itself was pretty entertaining, albeit for a little gothic, but that didn't bother me too much. The problem is in your text. When I first read it I thought depression until I saw the title.

Anonymous said...

This has to be the weakest poster just because the message is very unclear. The picture is very good and edited very well but i think you need to make the thing your tring to persuade a little better know. To fix this poster simply put what your trying to persuade.

Anonymous said...

I like the compostiton of your poster, however it is very unclear what your topic is about. I think you could have but the word AIDS in there somewhere, but if you don't want ot change your slogan you could have capitilized the first letter of each word at the bottom As I Die Slowly and that would say AIDS and it might help a little bit.

Anonymous said...

This is against AIDs?
I never would have guessed. Your message is not clearly expressed... At all.

Anonymous said...

I really liked how you made the picture really realistic. But i had no clue what it was telling me. I didn't understand what you are trying to tell people to do. The font and everything was good. But maybe if you can focus more on what your topic is may help. The font and picture are both outstanding but i have no clue what your poster is trying to persuade me about.
Good job, though!

Anonymous said...

I, as the people before me, find the composition of your poster interesting. In any other project, this would have been a strong design. But I would never have guessed what your poster is about if it did not have a title. No message jumps out at me specificly. I see that death is the result of something, but cannot identify what that something is. Maybe if you bolded or made every first letter bitter in phrase at the bottom the message would be easier to communicate to the viewer.