Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dylan E- Stop global warming


Anonymous said...

I feel that the design works very well and definately gets the point across to stop global warming. I dont necisserily like the text. I think it needs to be more dramatic and he should have only used one of the 2 lines, because using both takes away from the picture. Also i think it might have turned out better if there was ore to the background insted of just black. I Think for the background he should have maybe used a little kid with the ice cream cone in his hand.

Anonymous said...

This is overall a pretty solid poster. Although I think that it is a good idea, you could have build upone the melting earth a little more by using some kind of connection with the text. Also I think that at first glance it is hard to tell that the cone is actually air pollution and if people don't look hard enough they might not realize what it is. The layout is good because it goes straight to the point, and i like the backround looking like space. Also the text stands out to prove a point with the size difference and the use of white. Overall with a couple minor changes this could be a very good persuasive poster.

Anonymous said...

DYLANNN. i really like your poster and i think the design is done really well and gets the point across. you could of done a little more to the background and the change the font to make it more stronger. but overall i do like it and how its shape is an ice cream cone. VERY WELL DONE DYLAn.