Friday, November 9, 2007

Zach P- Capital punishment for teens


Andrew Sams said...

One of the things that came to mind on this poster is that it seems a bit too "on the nose".

It's referencing a sensitive topic that's mired in the complexities involving ending a young life early. Does this poster over-simplify the issue? What degrees of murder are we speaking to here? Do we no longer have to determine sentencing for any teen convicted of "murder", we simply off them?

Perhaps the idea of stiffer punishments for murder involving teens would come across a bit less authoritative if posed in the form of a question; one that appeals to sensibility and justice?

In terms of the art, I like the use of negative space on the upper part of the piece, and the effective graphics placed in the lower half. The overall use of space is quite effective here.

Anonymous said...

I think that the poster, is too proportional. It doesn't have any contrast, or difference. It makes my eyes wonder to the picture, but never really getting a point across. If you look at it with a balancing point though, it does look well balanced. I think the large text balances the two smaller pictures on the bottom.

When talking about the text i think that the bold red text really shows the emotion within the point he's trying to cross. I think Zach is focusing and depending too much on the pictures to make his point across, a different kind of text, would have indefinatly changed this.

I think the poster does communicate the point, and is strongly persusaive. Zach did a good job with doing an orginal issue, and making it his own. I like the second picture because it has alot of emotion within it. Overall I think Zach did a very good job with his persuasive poster.

Anonymous said...

I love it almost as much as my son...

Anonymous said...

I dont really know about this one... It seems like this took you like 2 minutes to do. Yea you typed a few words and looks like you just copied and pasted a couple of pictures right next to each other, is that enough time to do this? I dont think the title works. If you kill a teen you should die a teen? i dont think it grabs the eye of the viewer. I think maybe you should have taken more time to choose your pictures. There is a picture of hand cuffs?? that isnt killing a teen its just locking them up

On a positive stand point i do like how you use the color red in your text. It resembles blood or death. I think it needs to be a little more BOLD.

Anonymous said...

I dont really know about this one... It seems like this took you like 2 minutes to do. Yea you typed a few words and looks like you just copied and pasted a couple of pictures right next to each other, is that enough time to do this? I dont think the title works. If you kill a teen you should die a teen? i dont think it grabs the eye of the viewer. I think maybe you should have taken more time to choose your pictures. There is a picture of hand cuffs?? that isnt killing a teen its just locking them up

On a positive stand point i do like how you use the color red in your text. It resembles blood or death. I think it needs to be a little more BOLD.

Anonymous said...

Well let me break it down like this. The wording and text was strong and powerful but the images were bad. One of them does not even have anything to do with capital punishment it is just a whole buch of police supplies infront of an American flag background. Also the entire poster is too symetrical I mean come on we're not doing center axis here. The over all presentation I feel lacks creativity and effort.

Anonymous said...

The poster right off the bat is very porpotional. The two images used in the poster do not encompass the point of the issue, aren't strong, and are un-relating to the issue. If the two images were split up within the poster and the text inbetween them or through the images, this would have worked better. The left image doesn't give me a feeling of anything, with the handcuffs, police badge, walky-talky, and bullets. I think that the right image is too harsh, hanging teens. Hanging is not used for the death penalty, here in the U.S. The text is strong with the word "DIE" being slightly larger and red is bold. This kind of text does seem to work with the issue however, i feel that he relies too much on the text to carry his last minute creation.

Anonymous said...

I think this poster is good. I like the text used because it is bold and straight to the point. I also like how die is in a bigger font and is a different color it helps make it stand out.
However, the pictures were not as strong. i think better pictures could have been chosen and they could be placed differently to make it less proportional. This poster is well balanced from top to bottom. It was a good choice to pick a bigger font because of the size of the pictures at the bottom.
Overall i think he did a good job communicating the point. i think his poster was well done.

Anonymous said...

The design on this poster is very symmetrical. This is not a good thing as it is very boring and plain. You want to shoot for a design that is a little more dynamic (exciting!) to look at, while retaining the message. The use of the red text to emphasize the word Die is a good idea for two reasons: 1. the color red is very powerful and grabs attention extremely well and 2. it is the word that best describes your stance on the subject. Some other things you may want to consider are the spacing in-between words and lines of words. Also, a centered text like you have chose on this poster only adds to the symmetry. Breaking up the text could add a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

Overall this may have been the worst poster. It has a good idea it just does not seem like it took alot of time and effort. Its very simple and not intresting to look at. The images relate to the topic but not very well. The images are both at the bottom and they do not flow well together. The text isnt to bad but its boring. the red in the text emphisizes the the text and works well. The poster seems that it just needs a little more time

Anonymous said...

I think everything is too centered, its kind of borring. It gets to the point of the poster but there are many other things to consider about it. Like what if the kid didn't do it and is convicted and killed for no reason? This subject is not the best in my oppinion, and the poster dosn't really flow too well.

Anonymous said...

I feel that this poster is one of the weakest.
The poster is too porpotional. The images used in the poster do not prove the point of the issue. If the two images were broken up in a way within the poster and the text choice was altered, this would have worked better for you. The left image doesn't give the poster anything, being unrelating to the issue. The image on the right isn't the right choice to show death of teenagers. Many may not agree with the poster because of the hanging, and therfeore not support your point. The only thing that is strong with the text is that the word "DIE" is larger and red is bold. If something was done to further emphasize and stress teen in the text, the issue on teens would be stronger. Overall, the construction of the poster including the use of images and text is incorrectly done.