Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blake B- Stop gloabal warming


Anonymous said...

I think just by the pictures, I understand what you are trying to persuade people to do. But I think maybe you could of made the font much better, maybe bold. But I do like your layout, The light behind the earth was the only thing that caught my eye. So i really liked that. Maybe changing he font or the font size will make the text more important. So yeah but over all i like your layout!

Anonymous said...

I like this poster a lot but i think it could be even better with a couple of changes. The text has so much room to get larger and it almost looks like empty space. The layout and theme prove the point though, with the young boy the burning earth, and how your text relates to the picture. I think that this poster really proves a point and is very well done.

Anonymous said...

I see several compositional problems with your poster. First, the text at the top is lost by the earth. It could be a lot bolder and placed a little bit lower. The text toward the bottom is just kind of floating and it doesn't look like you could find a place to fit the rest of your meaning in. I understand that you are trying to make it look like the kid is looking at the earth fading away, but the earth should be smaller if that is the case. Also, it looks like it was cut out and is no longer as round as it could be. The picture of the child is pixelated and is not of the same quality as the picture of the earth, which draws attention to the child.