Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Audra D- Anorexia


Anonymous said...

Anorexia seems like a tough topic to cover without the poster seeming too critical. I think that your message is powerful and gets the viewer thinking, but at the same time it is kind of, I don't want to say rude, because I agree with your opinion here, but I don't know, it's just kind of harsh sounding. Aside from that, I really like the image of the headstone and the reflections in it. I like how you made the text within it look like it's etched into the stone; that was a clever idea. I have trouble with the background because it's not really fitting of the topic, and is kind of random, but that could be changed by maybe using a photograph on a lower opacity rather than a gradient. The font seems to work because it is a "younger" looking font, if that makes sense, but this corresponds with the statistic that anorexics die young. I don't like that the font is floating on clouds or something, but that could be fixed by just putting the font right on the background without anything behind it. The compositional idea of font-picture-font works well but I think the font could be bigger to better achieve a balanced composition.

Anonymous said...

this is a hard topic to try and cover but your image and your poster makes it very understandable without having to question what is being said in the poster. i think that it is very good and is one of my favorite posters right now. one thing that might make it a little easier on the eyes is changing the blue background to a photograph or some other color. the color grabs the attention but it is very hard on the eyes after looking at it for awhile.

Anonymous said...

first of all i would like to point out that the fact that you said all she had to do was eat, and how its just that simple is way off. Curing the disease is hardly possible as is, and treatment takes months and years.
as for the actual poser, the font seems to messy and doesnt relate well to what its saying. though the headstone was a nice touch, you might have wanted to use a different stat. since 20% doesnt seem like its enough to really make people notice. using blue for the backround was good, but the brightness seems a bit harsh

Anonymous said...

i disagree with this poster, and honestly it makes me mad. i dont think you have the right to categorize anorexia as a choice, rather than a disease. i feel that your statement "all they had to do was eat... seems easy enough" is shallow and insensitive. anorexia is a kind of depression that builds up slowly through hardships and low self esteem. are you saying that you've never had an insecurities? you should know that its not that easy to change them. if you wanted to do a poster about anorexia, and trying to stop it, i think it would have been a far better idea to target the problem at the source. society portrays the skinny pretty blonde as the ideal role model, and i believe that often leads to younger girls idolizing the idea of being skinny and perfect. i think your poster is sending the wrong message.

Anonymous said...

Like everybody else, I agree that this is a very bold topic to cover, and it seems like you're the only one attempting it. Although I know you're talking about anorexia, I'm still a little bit confused on what side you're on. I'm guessing you're 'against' it? But then again, when I read the text I kind of feel like you may actually be sympathizing with this 'girl.' Basically, the poster isn't exactly as clear as what the actual message is, but honestly, I think it's successful in that it makes you stop and think about anorexia and how it affects lives. The overall design could probably be stronger, and you could have utilized text more effectively. All in all, I think you're bold for choosing this topic, but the message isn't exactly clear.

Anonymous said...

How can I put this nicely, the whole idea of your poster is insulting to people with anorexia. I know thats not what you ment to come off with but anorexia is a serious mental disorder and when you say "seems easy enough" its just like telling a drug or alcohol addict to just STOP. The gradient in the background doesn't fit. Your text is okay and I really like the tombstone. You shuld make it bigger for people to see. Finally change your words around a little more and your poster could be alot better.