Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Follow Jesus


teejay said...

I think this is overall a decent persusaive poster. It shows characteristic such as having jesus himself hanging on a cross but, the words do go with the picture and all and makes a point but I think you could have gone further in depth with an explanation of why to follow jesus besides of just he cares for you.

Unknown said...

Clay this is an overall great poster. I clearly understand that you want people to follow jesus. i think this is well balanced in the way with the text and picture. The proportion of the text and the picstures makes this flow very well. oeverall i beliveve that this is a very srtong

Josh Hays said...

Too one sided. You're not giving the "end of the world" speech and trying to get everyone to convert. you need to explain more and the background with the words? This is the only poster where it works. good on that.

-Josh Hays-

Clay said...

thanks, umm but Josh i don't have a clue what your trying to say bud.

Brian C said...

I think Josh believes you should say more. He may not realize that this is not a tack, but a poster. Well done!