Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do not smoke


Unknown said...

This poster has potential, but it doesn't look quite finished. I like how you used a light green for "Save money" because that color makes it pop. I think the cigarettes could have been a little brighter, and maybe you could have put it on the bottom edge as a lead in. That would make the straight edge at the bottom of the cigarettes less obnoxious. I noticed that one of the cigarettes is a dollar, which was a nice effect. The proportions and spacial organization are nice, but it is not quite finished.

Unknown said...

i think this poster does a good job of getting the point across but i think there could be more. i dont think the artist took their poster far enough. the pictures look like their just copy and pasted on to the paper. the text works in that it flows from top to bottom of the page but there is to much blank space around the photos. i think the use of the bright colors on black paper wasn't the best idea but it definatly makes it pop.

Unknown said...

Overall i would say that this is a good poster, but i feel there are a few things that could have been done to make it even better. I like the 3 different quotes. They are short but it gets the meaning out. I like the green font for saving money, and the red font for saving lives. I like the picture showing one of them with money wrapped around it. i think it is creative. I think you could have made the font in the "save money" one bigger than the bottom quote to lead on to the bottom. I would also say maybe raise the picture a little bit. I think it is a little too crowded in the bottom and not enough up top. Other than that it has good balance and good organization.

kristendureiko said...

the idea on this poster is good but it needs some work. the font choice was a bit too dominating in the poster. the green for save money is good because when we think green, we think money. maybe a darker color green would help it more. but with the red and green, it gives a christmas vibe which isn't what you were going for so with a little manipulation on font choice and spacing, the poster would already be better. although its persuasive, it doesn't look as professional as it could. it looks like you just took a photo of ciggarettes and put a red circle on top. if somehow you manipulated it to look more put together, it would flow better and be easier on the eyes. but otherwise, good ideas!