Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sam H- End racism


Anonymous said...

The idea to this is very cool. I also really think you get your point across. Its very ordinary though, kind of boring background wise. I feel like you could have added something more the the hands and the background like a picture or something more than just black and white. The hands look a little sharp around the edges but how they are positioned over each other is good. you could have decreased to the opacity of them though to make them blend together more so and flow more. The text you used is good, the font im a little unsure about. Also the rainbow in the word "Colors" I dont feel like it really works for your picture but i do love the idea your trying to prove.

Anonymous said...

I really like this poster. i believe that the hands going together show exactly what your trying to communicate. I also like the white changing to black as well. it adds a great effet to the background. All and all this poster makes me feal almost happy. Great poster