Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kelly S- Don't drink and drive


Anonymous said...

I love the layout and how you used the top as white. The thing is, I thought this was about war. You didn't really capture the idea of don't drink and drive with your images. I like how the flag is still in color. Good use of space, looks like it'd be a great persuasive poster but choice of images makes it really hard to see what you're saying.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The main reason I used that picture of the guards carrying the coffin is because its an actual picture from my cousins funeral a few weeks ago. He was killed by a drunk driver. I do understand that I should have probably chose a better picture, but I want to pay tribute to my cousin.

Anonymous said...

I really understood the message of the poster. The poster is easy on the eyes which makes it not only enjoyable to look at but effective. The use of space is really great and the use of white space at the top balances out the picture.

Anonymous said...

The layout was well thought out. I thought that the image that was used worked greatly with the message. I thought that the text could be a little bigger. I really liked the blance between the darks and lights. I could tell that a lot of hard work was put in.

Anonymous said...

I love this poster! I think that it gets a really strong message across. I think it makes the message even greater that you used this poster as a tribute to your cousin and used that tragedy as an example for other people. This poster overall is great and it gives me chills by just looking at the picture and reading how he will never see his birthday.

Anonymous said...

The message and composition of this poster is really strong. I really like the choice of font and color. I like how the picture is black and white and then the flag is in color. The mesage definately persuaded me right away on the topic.