Thursday, April 17, 2008

Aaron J- Smoking affects us all


Anonymous said...

Aaron this poster is very strong. It's a bit smokey but overall got the point across. I think that the use of black and red in this is pretty good to go along with the dark theme. The skeleton in the back was a little too much, i think you could have gone without it and you would have been fine. The faded out TRUTH is pretty good too. But the text i think is good because it is clearly visible and it goes along with the theme well

Anonymous said...

Aaron, your composition and ideas are very good, also the way you communicated your mesage was creative and clear. One thing I'm not sure I like is the text for the word dying, it could have been stronger. The word Truth in the background was a very good idea but I think it should have been lighter and easier to see. Overal this is probably one of the better posters in the class, and the feeling it gives off works very well.

Anonymous said...

i think this poster is very well thought out. its probably one of my favorite ones. i like the message you are trying to get across and it is put across very well. the picture and the smoke adds a very good effect to it also.

Anonymous said...

Great poster. You can tell that you have worked really hard on it, and it paid off. The whole poster is great, except im not too sure if i like the word "Dying" in it. I just dont think that i like the font and it takes away from the theme of the poster. I like the smoke in the almost makes it look real. Overall great job.

Anonymous said...

i think this picture is very good because it really shows the point. i like how you used the hand in the corner and also the skeleton adds to it too. overall i think this is very good. it makes a point and changes minds