Thursday, November 8, 2007

Nicole- Equality in marriage


Anonymous said...

I think that this persuasive poster shows alot of thought. By having the nail polish and bracelet in the picture it communicates that the two figures holding hands are women. I think that is a strong point to be shown.

In contrast I think that the gray text at the top of the poster doesn't stand out enough, and blends in with the arm and the backround. It should be bold and stand out to help get your point across. If there was a backround in the picture, I think it would make a difference because it looks like the hands are just floating together. A variety of colors maybe within the text would have helped with this, too.

The poster is well balanced, though. There's not too much text, and i think the text is in the right place. I think the figure on the right is a strong contrast to the white, and that does look porportional to the backround. I like how you can see the shape and curves of the girl because it communicates indefinatly the girly attributes within the figure.

I think that they did achieve the persuasive arguement to pro gay marriage. Having the picture on it communicates the point, It's not that orginal though, since they're are two pro gay marriage posters, and they both have holding hands on them. Overall, i think NIcole suceeded in persuading me to agree with gay marriage.

Anonymous said...

Your poster is very persuasive. The slogan fits perfectly with what is being conveyed in the photo. I believ that the texting is stong, but could be stonger. However, the placement of the text works well. Try to add a little more to your work, maybe some more photos, or a different background to make your work stand out more.

Although this is a stong poster i think a little more color wold have been helpful to the poster. The compostiton is organizd and has a stong visual impression. Your work really persuaded me to look at your side of the controversial issue and it made me agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I like how the picture takes up pretty much the whole page and seems to be the main focus of the poster. I think that the picture and the text go very well together. The balance was good with the text at the top and bottom and the two people holding hands and how they are both only half way on the page. However, the gray text at the top could have been a different color to catch the viewer's eye because it falls into the gray of her shirt on the left. I also like how one of the person's arms have a shirt over it and the other's is bare. I think that also gives the picture a sense of balance. Overall the poster does persuade the viewer and is good.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, this design is well executed. The photo you picked to work around is simple, but it fits the message and fits the page well, but still leaves a considerable amount of negative space (good). The only things i would change are in the text in the upper left. The color does not stand out enough. Leaving it black with a white drop shadow probably would have worked just fine, or applying a gradient to the text. Also, changing the space in-between the lines of said text, and nudging it up a bit would also aid in the design.

Anonymous said...

I think the simple text and the picture in the background both Balances the poster out and makes it look finished. The contrast between the gray lettering at the top and the black lettering at the bottom makes it look good.....there really is no other way to put it.