Thursday, November 8, 2007

Caitlin- Bring home our troops


Anonymous said...

i think that overall the proportions are relly well done. everything is spread out enenly in the poster referring to the tombstones and the arch of the "brong home our troops". the balance looks really good because of this. spatial organization is used well because of how the pictures or evenly distributed. However, because of the compositional rules, i think that it should have been more graphically interesting because of how it is so "even". the font choice is well done but i think it needed to be more firm. not so soft as it appears because it is a statement that you are basically arguing. it needs to be more bold. i think the tombstones, american flags, were a good idea because of how they related to the statement at the top. Overall, i would say this is just good. it could have been more interesting.

Jei M.

Anonymous said...

i think that overall the proportions are relly well done. everything is spread out enenly in the poster referring to the tombstones and the arch of the "brong home our troops". the balance looks really good because of this. spatial organization is used well because of how the pictures or evenly distributed. However, because of the compositional rules, i think that it should have been more graphically interesting because of how it is so "even". the font choice is well done but i think it needed to be more firm. not so soft as it appears because it is a statement that you are basically arguing. it needs to be more bold. i think the tombstones, american flags, were a good idea because of how they related to the statement at the top. Overall, i would say this is just good. it could have been more interesting.

Jei M.

Anonymous said...

I liked this poster alot overall artistically though it could have conveyed the message a little stronger. I like the use of brightness overall and the use of colors match the flag in the background. The use of the gravestones is a very interesting concept nd I like it alot. A better job could have been done connecting the fact that you might know soldiers in the war to persuade someone to bring them home; than in a question. The text could have been a little stronger by adding a border to it but the placement is great and th important parts are biggest which is good. Overall I think it is a good poster and it is very close to being a GREAT poster

Anonymous said...

This poster as a whole is way to faded looking. There is nothing that stands out, no elements to grab an observer's attention. These things are extremely important in persuasive posters because they need to catch your attention and linger in your mind. This is too symmetrical and cliche' as well. The grave stones are poorly photoshopped- you can actually see the engravings on them if you look close enough. I think the font choices are nice, but you could do without the saying on the bottom. Try and remember that you don't have to fill every single square inch of area. Sometimes having nothing can do more than something.