Friday, November 9, 2007

Lauren- Against Capital punishment


Anonymous said...

This poster does a very good job of placing the chair in the right spot. it emphasizes it because of the placement and how large it is. It is obviously the dominance of this poster which tells what the point of persuasion is. i think that the proportions are done well considering that the chair is the only picture. i think the spatial organization is well done because since the chair is large on the right side, it has words in the white and empty space. graphically, the placement of the chair makes this interesting.

The text is very weak. This is the point of the poster where i dont take it seriously because the text is used so poorly. The words on the bottom practically disapear because there isnt anything that draws attention to it. The title does not go well with what it says, the text should have been slanted, or exagerating the "why". and the statement to the left is llustrated poorly becuase it appears boring.
Overall, this poster was one of my least favorites because it lacked effort.

Jei M.

Anonymous said...

When i first look at the poster i see the words WHY THIS? in all caps. It does a good job at drawing your eye it the chair. On the other hand The color or the text is really ugly and kind of an eye sore. The you read " Don't give them the satisfaction" I understand the purpose but i dont think it is clear enough to get you whole point across. How ever i do like the phrase "don't sit down on capital punishment because its catchy and relates to the topic.

Then the image has a few things that could change. The chair is very large and it does a good job matching the text other that the color clashing. You can easily see the white jagged cut out marks from the original image that makes it look alot worse. It just needed more detailed croping out of the back round. How ever the chair looks scary and gives you a almost bad feeling.

The whole poster is pretty good it just needs a little touching up and it will be good. The text needs changing and a better job of croping out the chair.

Anonymous said...

I love the placement of the picture in this poster. its at the perfect angle which coordinates well with the writing. The words that you used are also a very good choice. "Dont sit down with capital punishment" is a great slogan. but it needs to stand out more. i like the white writing but the words need to be bigger and bolder. it is the main point of your poster and needs to be "in your face". This poster is very balanced with the placement of everything.

Anonymous said...

this poster is weak. the image is just slapped on and the text does not grab my attention or stand out at all. it is thin and flowy when it should be bold and strong to grab my attention. i also dont like the text color and positioning. it is brown just like the chair and blends in with the picture too much. As far as persuading me it doesnt really persuade me to do anything against capital punishement, it says dont give them the satisfaction but im not sure who you are talking about or what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that lower the opacity and/or fill of the chair was the best move for this design. I can understand trying to make the text pop a little more by having a denser value than the background, but there are other ways of doing this. For example, you could try using a different color font, or using a drop shadow on the font. The repetitiveness of the browns in this is very distracting because everything seems to blend in to one color. Try not to place a headline right in the middle of a page, unless it breaks up the structure somehow or if it is a last resort. The last thing i'll say is spend more time extracting the image of the chair, it looks very low quality as is.

Anonymous said...

oh andy, you WOULD post a comment on our posters. :)