Friday, November 9, 2007

Sara M- Change the drinking age


Andrew Sams said...

More a point of curiosity, what was behind the choice of that shade of green in the background? Was it to correlate with the solider depicted in the top frame?

A difficult thing to capture here is to illustrate how lowering the drinking age would somehow benefit society. Surely young soliders that drink aren't going to have better aim with their weapons.

I think this piece does a good job of reflecting the spirit of an timeless argument; one that entices us to consider the ideals of death for freedom, at the overall cost of freedom.

Anonymous said...

the words on your poster really get the message across. it makes me think about an issue that i havent really thought about before. you bring up a good point about the soldier.

also i think that the pictures get the message across. but i might have tried making the pictures more similar by making them both black and white,, or both in color.

i like the placing of the photos. i think that this poster has alot of balance. i also think that you used your space wisely. The placement of the words is also good.


Anonymous said...

I think that this poster is very well done. I like the way you used black and faded it into the green. Its almost as if the black represents the death of risking your life in war...
I never really thought about this issue before until i looked at this. The placement of the pictures are very good and the pictures are perfect for the topics.
The title really catches your attention and makes you think about the issue.

Anonymous said...

I think this poster was interesting. I like the green gradation backround because it creates a nice balance of color. I also like how she used black font because it stands out well. She also chose to bold a few words which also helped the text stand out. I like the font she chose at the bottom where it says change the drinking age but i think the other font choices were weak. For example they could have been more persuasive fonts.
i like the picture of war used but i think the drinking picture should have been stronger. It should have been stronger because the point being made was about drinking. The placement of the pictures are good but the bottom picture should stand out more than the top.
The idea was good but it is hard to relate war to having a drink. Her poster is persuasive but i dont think she used the right slogan to capture everyone's attention. Overall i think the poster is well balanced and proportioned. I would say this poster is average.

Anonymous said...

The pictures you used in this poster were obviously taken from a website from the watermarks on the pictures. This is an automatic bad check in my view. You should always try and use your own pictures when doing projects in this class. Try to build your idea(s) around a picture that you set up and take. This helps immensely when adding text and other design elements to the layout and with the creative process overall. I like the choice of text at the bottom, but the other font used differs to much to have any relationship at all. Another suggestion i have for you is when you have a picture overlapping another, add a border to it by putting a stroke around it on the "inside" selection under the layer styles menu

Anonymous said...

The idea it's self is a good idea, being that if you can shoot a gun you can drink alchahol. The poster though was poorly composed and looks like it was just slapped together in a matter of minutes.