Monday, May 11, 2009



-Isaac Ruiz- said...
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Unknown said...

out of all of the posters i like this one the least. they get their message across that is reuse and recycle, but the use of the picture and background is bad. it looks like they just took a picture and pasted on to the work. it seems like the only tool they used was the eraser to get rid of the background on the picture and put in a blue background. it looks like this person didn't use all of the tools avaliable through photoshop and just used a select few. i think this poster has a lot of potential with their idea to reuse and recycle, but this person didnt show it through their image.

Eric Schultz said...

This is a very weak piece of art. Everything about it contributes to the unprofessional look of it. Its a sloppy use of photoshop, and it simply doesn't work. It looks like the only tool they used was the eraser. the whole thing needs to be changed. i dont like it at all

David said...

i like this one the least out of all of the posters. sure the message is clear and they show what they are trying to say but it is just too original in my opinion. they could have done more work with it.

Billy Hickey said...

In my opinion this is one of the weaker posters that i have seen. It is shoddily done, and seems as if the artist did it in a hurry in order to get it done as quickly as possible. While it does have balance, it doesn't persuade very well, it just seems like it is making a statement.

Navtaj said...

This poster is my least favorite one. I believe that the picture/background were done in about five minutes. I like the message because it is very short and to the point. I think if you change the background the poster will be very well balanced. Proportionally it looks good with the recycle bin and text. i can't point out the dominating point because i don't think there is one. In the end i think that if you tweak it up a bit, then it will be a lot stronger

Unknown said...
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patricklowden said...

I really like the message you are trying to convey, but I don't like the overall balance. The bright blue background really doesn't go well with the picture. It feels like the picture is almost pasted in there and it feels like 2 separate images. On the other hand, I like how the text leads down to the image and rhythm is nice. I really just feel that there is no real dominance. I also think more elements could have been used especially with the use of photoshop, it seems a little too plain and I wish more was used.

-Isaac Ruiz- said...

In my opinion I like this work. It is really well done because the message the artist is trying to tell you is clear and it works along with the art. The colors flow nicely and the artist uses a lot of balance with the shapes. The color goes with the message and so does the contrast. THe only things I think the artist should fix are having to due with the contrast and another step. First is you were to change the image to black and white I believe that the light and dark colors would end up being black against white, not so much grey using a nice transition. -Isaac Ruiz-

Unknown said...

In my opinion I think that this is a descent piece of art. It brings the message across but I don't think that it was done in the best way and is a little bit weak. Also I don't think the objects really fits in with the background and it looks like that it doesn't belong with the rest of the picture. But overall I thought that it is a descent picture and it gets the message across in a descent manner but could be a little more worked on to be better.

Unknown said...

this is one of the weak poster, i think it has a lot of potential but needs a lot more work. the message is getting across but i think it needs some help. the words and picture doesnt really balance each other out. the photo looks very photoshoped and doesnt flow together. the colors work together very well ad they create some what of a flow. it has great potential and just needed more time to develop it. but good job over all :)
by weinkauf