Saturday, February 24, 2007

Intro to Animation

This first blog is directed towards my "Advanced Computer Art" students.

This first animation you are about to see was created by my nephew Shawn. It was designed as an introduction for the movie "Resevoir Dogs" which was constructed in Adobe AfterEffects. Please take the time to study the use of graphics, motion, and especially use of text.

Granted, this video is a little hard to see, and I had to drop its quality to allow it to fit on the web, but it is a good place to get started with some discusion.

Now, lets take a look at another AfterEffects video... which... strangely enough... is on the same exact topic. I found it on YouTube.

I am sure you have (by now) noticed that there are a lot of similarities between the two animations. So, between the two of them... which would you say displayes a stronger use of text? What about interest? If you were to use one over the other as the intro to the movie "Reservoir Dogs", which one would it be? What is the basis of your decision

I am excited to hear your thoughts.

-Mr. Caponi

1 comment:

Andrew Sams said...

Of the two, I think I'd go with the second example if I had to choose one for a movie opener.

I'm preferring the second mostly because of its formatting, and perhaps the overall use of the text itself has less influence.

The second example starts by establishing regions for graphical content, and sticking to that layout. It just has an easier flow, while maintaining a dynamic composition. The animation (both text and graphics) keeps things interesting, but the regions of having graphics and text in certain locations gives it definition...